We explore novel, innovative multimodal approaches for lesion-deficit mapping in patients with ischemic stroke in collaboration with researches from the Institute of Computational Neuroscience at the UKE (head: Prof. C. Hilgetag). To better account for the dimensionalities inherent in brain anatomy and lesion patterns, we apply inference approach based on game theory, specifically Multi-perturbation Shapley value Analysis (MSA), which is a rigorous mathematical method to assess functional localization from perturbation data. This approach considers brain regions as ‘players’ in a game who interact to achieve a behavioral outcome and can also be used to quantify the interactions of the network elements(Zavaglia et al., 2015).

Our group furthermore investigates prediction of post-stroke deficits based on direct and indirect measures of structural network disconnection as a novel approach to account for wide-spread effects in the human connectome induced by stroke lesions.

Collaboration:  Institute of Computational Neuroscience, UKE